Relevant Literature   (click on each recent title for full article or journal link)


Publications using the NanoSpectralyzer







  • A Mechanistic Study of the Selective Retention of SDS-suspended SWCNTs on Agarose Gels.  C. A. Silver-Batista et al, J. Phys. Chem. C (2011) 115, 9361-9369
  • Oxidized SWCNTs: Removal of Carbonaceous Functionalized Material by Washing with Solvents or Base.  E. D. Canto et al, MRS Proceedings (2011) DOI: 10.1557/opl.2011.1085
  • Sorting the Unique Chirality, Right Handed SWCNTs via the Dye Modified ssDNA.  R. Liu et al, J. Nanoscience & Nanotechnology (2011) 11, 7587-7592
  • Analyzing Absorption Backgrounds in SWCNT Spectra.  A. V. Naumov et al, ACS Nano (2011) 5, 1639-1648
  • Screeing the Cytotoxicity of SWCNTs Using Novel 3D Tissue-mimetic Models.  D. Movia et al, ACS Nano (2011) 5, 9278-9290
  • Effect of surfactant structure on carbon nanotube sidewall adsorption.  A. Di Crescenzo et al, European J. Org. Chem. (2011) DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.201100720
  • Controlled Carboxylic Acid Introduction: A Route to Highly Purified Oxidised SWCNT.  K. Flavin et al, J. Mat. Sci. (2011) DOI: 10.1039/C1JM12217G
  • Photoluminescence from Inner Walls in Double Walled CNTs: Some Do, Some Do Not. S. Yang et al, Nano Letters (2011) DOI:10.1021/nl2025745
  • Using Fluorescence Quenching of SWCNT with Metal Ions as a Probe of Surfactant:SWNT Interactions. J. Brege and A.R. Barron, Main Group Chemistry (2011) 2, 89-104
  • Growth of SWCNT with Controlled Diameters and Lengths by an Aerosol Method. Y. Tian et al, Carbon (2011) 49, 4636-4643
  • Structural Modifications of Ionic Liquid Surfactants for Improving the Water Disepersibility of Carbon Nanotubes: An Experimental and Theoretical Study.A. Di Crescenzo et al, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2011) 13, 11373-11383
  • Carbon Nanotube Sidewall Functionalization with Carbonyl Compounds - Modified Birch Conditions vs the Organometallic Reduction Approach. B. Gebhardt et al, JACS (2011)133, 7985-7995
  • Mitigation of the Impact of SWCNT on a Freshwater Green Algae: Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata. S. Youn et al, NanoToxicology (2011) DOI: 10.3109/17435390.2011.562329
  • Swelling the Hydrophobic Core of the Surfactant-Suspended SWCNT: A SANS Study. C. Silvera-Batista and K.J. Ziegler, Langmuir (2011) DOI: 10.1021/la202117p

  • SWCNT Shell Decorating  Porous Silicate Materials: A General Platform for Studying the Interaction of Carbon Nanotubes with Photoactive Molecules. A. Saha et al, Chem Sci. (2011) 2, 1682-1687
  • Non-covalent Ruthenium Polypyridyl Complexes-Carbon Nanotubes Composites: an Alternative  for Functional  Dissolution of Carbon Nanotubes in Solution. D. Jain et al, Chem. Commun. (2011) 47, 2246-2248
  • Magnetic Nanoparticle-based Separation of Metallic and Semiconducting Carbon Nanotubes,  H. Kim et al, Nanotechnology (2011) 22, 45703-45708
  • Synthesis and Characterization of Boron Azadipyrromethane SWCNT Electron Donor-Acceptor Conjugates, K. Flavin et al, ACS Nano (2011) 5, 1198-1206
  • Density Gradient Ultracentrifugation on Carbon Nanotubes According to Structural Integrity as a Foundation for an Absolute Purity Evaluation. C. Backes et al, ChemPhysChem (2011) 12, 2576-2580
  • Perylene-Based Nanotweezers: Enrichment of Larger-Diameter Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes. C. Backes et al, Chem. Asian J. (2011) 6, 438-444
  • Counterion effect on the aggregation of anionic perylene dyes and the influence on carbon nanotube dispersion efficiencies. C. Backes et al, J. Mater. Chem. (2011) 21, 3554-3557
  • Oxygen Doping Modifies Near-Infrared Band Gaps in Fluorescent SWCNTs, S. Ghosh et al, Science (2010) 300, 1656-1659
  • A Novel Diameter-selective Functionalization of SWCNTs with Lithium Alkynylides, B. Gebhardt et al, Eur. J. Org. Chem. (2010) 8, 1494
  • Diameter-dependent Solubility of SWCNTs, J. G. Duque et al, ACS Nano (2010) 4, 3063
  • Solvatochromic shifts of SWCNT in nonpolar microenvironments, C. A. Silvera-Batista et al, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. (2010) 12, 6990
  • Understanding the Electrophoretic Separation of SWCNT Assisted by Thionine as a Probe, H. Li et al, J. Phys. Chem. (2010) DOI: 10.1021/jp106869r
  • Advanced Sorting of SWCNTs by Nonlinear Density-gradient Ultracentrifugation, S. Ghosh, S.M. Bachilo & R. B. Weisman, Nature Nanotechnology (2010) 5, 443
  • Effect of Vaporization Temperature on the Diameter & Chiral Angle Distributions of SWCNTs, P. Nikolaev et al, J. Nanoscience & Nanotechnology (2010) 10, 3780
  • Dispersion of HiPco® and CoMoCAT® Single-Walled Nanotubes (SWNTs) by Water Soluble Pyrene Derivatives—Depletion of Small Diameter SWNTs. C. Backes et al, Chem. Eur. J. (2010) 16, 3314-3317
  • Enhanced Adsorption Affinity of Anionic Perylene-Based Surfactants towards Smaller-Diameter SWCNTs. C. Backes et alChem. Eur. J. (2010) 16, 13185-13192
  • Nanotube Surfactant Design: The Versatility of Water-Soluble Perylene Bisimides. C. Backes et al, Adv. Mater. (2010) 22, 788-802
  • High Population of Individualized SWCNTs through the Adsorption of Water-Soluble Perylenes,C. Backes et al, JACS (2009) 131, 2172
  • Coating Individual SWCNT with Nylon 6,10 through Emulsion Polymerization,W. C.  Chen et al, Applied Materials & Interfaces (2009) 1, 1821
  • Environmentally Friendly Functionalization of SWCNT in molten urea,C. D.  Doyle and J. M. Tour, Carbon (2009) 47, 3215
  • Solution Manipulation of SWCNT and Their Applications in Electrochemistry, D. Wang, Ph.D. Thesis, Ohio University (2009)
  • Diameter Tuning of SWCNT with Reaction Temperature Using a Co Monometallic Catalyst, N. Li, J. Phys. Chem. C (2009) 113, 10070
  • Effect of Chromium Addition to the Co-MCM-41 Catalyst in the Synthesis of SWCNT, C. Z. Loebick et al, Applied Catalysis A: General (2009) 368, 40
  • Long-Term Improvements to Photoluminescence and Dispersion Stability by Flowing SDS-SWNT Suspensions through Microfluidic Channels, C. A. Silvera-Batista et al, JACS (2009) 131, 12721
  • Do Inner Shells of Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Fluoresce? D.A. Tsyboulski et al, Nano Lett (2009) 9, 3282
  • In Vivo Therapeutic Silencing of Hypoxia-Inducible Factor 1 Alpha (HIF-1 ) Using Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Noncovalently Coated with siRNA, G. Bartholomeusz et al, Nano Research (2009) 2, 279
  • Multidomain Peptides as SWCNT Surfactants in Cell Culture, E.L. Bakota et al, Biomacromolecules (2009) 10, 2201
  • Strategy for High Concentration Nanodispersion of SWCNT with Diameter Selectivity, C. Biswas et al, J. Phys. Chem. C (2009) 113, 10044
  • Selective Enhancement of Carbon Nanotube Photoluminescence by Resonant Energy Transfer, Ahmad et al, Chem. Phys. Chem. (2009) 10, 905
  • Fluorescence Quenching of SWCNTs with Transition-Metal Ions, J. Brege et al, J. Phys. Chem. C (2009) 113, 4270
  • Investigation of Optimal Parameters for Oxide-Assisted Growth of Vertically Aligned SWCNTs, C. Pint et al, J. Phys. Chem. C (2009) 113, 4125
  • Swelling the Micelle Core Surrounding SWCNTs with Water-immiscible Organic Solvents, R. Wang et al, JACS (2008) 130, 16330
  • Improving the Effectiveness of Interfacial Trapping in Removing SWCNT Bundles, R.K. Wang et al, JACS (2008) 130, 14721
  • Structure-dependent Reactivity of SWCNTs with benzenediazonium salts, C. Doyle et al, JACS 130, 6795 (2008)
  • Self-Assembling Peptide Coatings Designed for Highly Luminescent Suspension of SWCNT, D.A. Tsyboulski et al, JACS (2008) 130, 17134
  • Selective photochemical functionalization of surfactant-dispersed SWCNT in water,N.T. Alvarez et al, JACS (2008) 130, 14227
  • Efficient photosensitized energy transfer and near-IR fluorescence from porphyrin–SWNT complexes, J. Casey et al, J. Materials Chem. (2008) 18, 1510
  • Preferred Functionalization of Metallic and Small-diameter SWCNTs via reductive alkylation, D. Wunderlich et al, J. Materials Chem. (2008) 18, 1493
  • Preferred Functionalization of Metallic and Small-diameter SWCNTs by Nucleophilic Addition of Organolithium and Magnesium Compounds Followed by Reoxidation, D. Wunderlich et al, Eur. J. Chem. (2008) 14, 1607
  • Stable Luminescence from Individual Carbon Nanotubes in Acidic, Basic, and Biological Environments, J. Duque et al, JACS (2008) 130, 2626
  • Antenna chemistry with metallic SWCNT, J. Duque et al, JACS (2008) 130, 15340
  • Spectroscopic Studies of Carbon Nanotubes, R. Zhang, M.S. Thesis, Ohio University (2008)
2007 and earlier
  • Temperature and pH-responsive SWCNT Dispersions, D. Wang and L. Chen, Nano Lett (2007) 7, 1480
  • Interfacial Trapping of SWCNT Bundles, R.K. Wang et al, JACS (2007) 129, 15124
  • Fluorescence Quenching of SWCNT in SDBS Surfactant Suspension by Metal Ions: Quenching Efficiency as a Function of Metal and Nanotube Identity, J. J. Brege et al, J. Phys. Chem. (2007) 111, 17812
  • SWCNT PEG-eggs: SWCNTs in Biocompatible Shell-crosslinked Micelles, R. Wang et al, Carbon (2007) 45, 2388
  • Structure-dependent Fluorescence Efficiencies of Individual SWCNTs, D.A. Tsyboulski et al, Nano Lett (2007) 7, 3080
  • Peptides that Non-covalently Functionalize SWCNTs to give controlled solubility characteristics, L.S. Witus et al, J. Materials Chem. (2007) 17, 1909
  • Templated Synthesis of SWCNT and Metal Nanoparticle Assemblies in Solution, D. Wang et al, JACS (2006) 128, 15078
  • Dielectrophoresis Field Flow Fractionation of SWCNT, H. Peng et al, JACS (2006) 128, 8397
  • Functionalization of SWCNT "On Water", B. K. Price and J. M. Tour, JACS (2006) 128, 12899
  • Mammalian Pharmacokinetics of Carbon Nanotubes Using Intrinsic Near-infrared Fluorescence, P. Cherukuri et al, PNAS (2006) 103, 18882
  • Developing Implantable Optical Biosensors, K.J. Ziegler, Trends in Biotechnol (2005) 23, 440

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